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Birth of a Church









Birth of a Church


      Human beings are wonderfully complex.  Our bodies are composed of billions of cells, each of which is a microcosm of our larger body, each of which is individually alive.  Though the human heart is a blood pump for the body, it also feels love and sadness and joy and pain.  Our brains, aside from processing information, allow us to experience conscience, and to create morals and ethics. In other ways we are co-creators with God – healers, inventors, builders, great artists.  We assimilate and channel energy from the universal energy field to create realities seemingly out of nothing.


     The world, which we have created and in which we live, is as complex as ourselves.  In the body, the walling off of the body, mind, emotions and spirit creates disease – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sickness.  The harmoniously interconnected wholeness of the human being gets lost.  Likewise, in society this same creating of divisions results in a fragmented world. Today there is a lack of direction to turn for help in addressing and realizing that wholeness of body, mind, emotions and spirit, which we are.


      We have long felt this need for the recognition of, and guidance in the direction toward the human wholeness of body, mind, emotions and spirit.  Because of this felt need, the Association of the Spirit Gaiabriel, was created in April of 1989.  The name brings with it recognition of power, positive energy, and the awareness of the importance and the limitless possibilities for human expression.


      GAIA is connected to the earth, and means undifferentiated matter.  BRIEL means “the spirit born of God.”  Gaiabriel, which means earth born of God, has been in the making for nearly two decades and is dedicated to unifying the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of healing.  The guiding philosophy of Gaiabriel is that the purpose of all healing is to create a divine connection to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual person.


       GAIABRIEL takes its inspiration from many holistic healing traditions and spiritual practices from the East and the West and from indigenous rituals that use the flow of chi, or energy, that enlivens the individual and all things on earth.  We at Gaiabriel are working to unite these ancient and modern traditions to produce a more holistic approach to healing and spirituality and life.  The purpose of Gaiabriel is to foster an understanding and experience of wholeness.



      Gaiabriel does not demand or expect that members will subscribe to a rigid creed or set of beliefs.  No one is required to perform a set of rites or other religious practices.  Gaiabriel does expect each individual to question, learn and be responsible for her or his own spiritual growth.  We also recognize that each individual’s process is unique.  The structure of the church is designed to respect you where you are and to provide tools and options for helping you to move on from there.


       Gaiabriel offers group meditations and educational programs on various topics of interest, and training programs for prospective ministers.  We offer monthly church services.  The larger organization of the church is involved in bringing to the planet the consciousness of the unity of the body, mind and spirit.

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